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How a farming couple in Rwanda Nyamagabe is adapting to changing seasons.
26 images
Created 25 Apr 2024
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Martha Mukarwego, a 45 years old mot..nda.
Martha Mukarwego, a farmer in her ho..2024
Martha and her children having a mea..2024
Martha's children help to husk ..2024
A basket of sweet potatoes harvested..2024
A portion of Martha's coffee pl..2024
Oddette, Martha's daughter, hel..2024
Seedlings collected by Martha. Feb 8..2024
A market day at Nyaruguru. Feb 10th,..2024
Coffee beads on one of the trees in ..2024
Martha, her daughter Oddette and her..2024
Martha, her daughter Oddette and her..2024
Martha on a path that leads to and f..2024
Martha looks into the shed where her..2024
Martha collects leaves to feed goats..2024
Martha and her children feed the pig..2024
Martha’s daughter Renata prepares to..2024
Martha walks into the Kagarama tree ..2024
Martha adds compost to her farm in N..2024
Martha collects seedlings with the a..2024
Martha balances a bucket of tree see..2024
A woman buys eggplants from Martha a..2024
A woman stores eggplants in a cloth ..2024
Martha and Oddette setup eggplants f..2024
Martha tills on her farm while harve..2024
Martha holds a basket of sweet potat..2024